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Climate change mitigation policies and measures (PaM) - 2018 data

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_id Country Report_ID Report_ID_ES Name_of_policy_or_measure Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures ID_of_policy_or_measure Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group Type_of_policy_instrument Status_of_implementation Policy_impacting_EU_ETS__ESD_or_LULUCF_emissions Sector_s__affected Objective_s__lookup_only4facets Objective_s_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type__clean Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy Implementation_period_start Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ Related_Union_Policy GHG_s__affected Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included Link_to_national_report Description Quantified_objective Implementation_period_finish Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time General_comment Main_reference GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ URL_to_main_reference Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ Average_ex_post_emission_reduction__kt_CO2eq_y_ Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure Reference_for_ex_post_assessment Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ Description_of_projected_cost_estimates Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ Description_of_realised_cost_estimates Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits Status_of_implementation_clean Implementation_period_start_clean Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy__clean Union_policy_lookup_only4facets_clean
"Austria_2" "Austria" "2909" "" "Domestic Environmental Support Scheme" "Single" "2" "Single PaM" "Economic" "Implemented" "EU ETS, ESD" "Cross-cutting" "Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy" "Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy" "300" "300" "Government" "National government" "Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management" "1993" "No" "No information" "CO2, CH4, N2O" "With existing measures" "" "The Domestic Environmental Support Scheme provides financial support to projects which improve environmental performance beyond mandatory standards in the energy, manufacturing as well as service industry. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management puts the focus of its funding policy on climate change. Most projects are targeted at efficient energy use (about 60%) and renewable energy (about 39%)." "NA" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "300" "" "" "" "" "300" "" "Umweltinvestitionen des Bundes 2015" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "1993" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Austria_3" "Austria" "2909" "" "Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (KLI.EN)" "Single" "3" "Single PaM" "Economic, Research" "Implemented" "EU ETS, ESD" "Cross-cutting" "Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy" "Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy" "" "" "Government" "National government" "Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management" "2007" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "In 2007, the Federal Government established a specific fund (Climate and Energy Fund \u2013 KLI.EN) in order to support the reduction of GHGs in Austria in the short, medium and long term (Federal Law Gazette I No. 40/2007). It focuses on research in and development of renewable energy systems, development and testing of new transport and mobility systems and market penetration of sustainable energy technologies - ranging from basic and applied research to subsidies for the implementation of climate friendly technology (KLIEN 2017). Support is provided to companies, research institutions or municipalities as well as to individuals, depending on the respective programme." "NA" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2007" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Austria_8" "Austria" "2909" "" "Modal shift to environmentally friendly transport modes" "Single" "8" "Single PaM" "Economic, Information" "Implemented" "ESD" "Transport" "Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport" "Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport" "" "" "Government" "National government" "Government: Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management" "2005" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Besides considerable investments in railway infrastructure in the last decade, the programme \u2018klimaaktiv mobil\u2019 for mobility management and awareness raising is an essential tool to promote environmentally friendly transport modes like public transport, cycling and walking. The cornerstones of \u2018klimaaktiv mobil\u2019 are the funding programme for businesses, communities and associations, target group-oriented counselling programmes, awareness-raising initiatives, partnerships, and training and certification initiatives. With respect to freight transport, investment support for corporate feeder lines aims at shifting transport activities from road to rail." "NA" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "100" "100" "" "output of NEMO model (Network Emission Model), see details in accompanying report" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2005" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Austria_10" "Austria" "2909" "" "Increased share of renewable energy for space heating" "Single" "10" "Single PaM" "Economic, Information, Regulatory" "Implemented" "ESD" "Energy consumption; Energy supply" "Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy" "Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy" "593" "1319" "Government, Regional" "National government, Regional entities" "Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy,Regional: Federal provinces" "2000" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Awareness raising measures on federal (klimaaktiv programme) and on L\u00e4nder level on the advantages of modern heating systems are expected to increase the boiler exchange rate. Financial support for biomass and solar heating systems is provided for households via funding of the L\u00e4nder and of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund, support for commercial and industrial applications by the Domestic Environment Support Scheme. The District Heating and Cooling Act aims at the construction of district cooling systems in order to reduce electricity demand, as well as at the expansion of district heating networks; subsidies are provided for that purpose." "NA" "" "" "" "" "" "593" "" "945" "945" "" "1319" "" "1222" "1222" "" "output of INVERT/EE-Lab model, see details in accompanying report" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2000" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Austria_13" "Austria" "2909" "" "Implementation of EU agricultural policies" "Single" "13" "Single PaM" "Economic, Regulatory" "Implemented" "ESD" "Agriculture" "Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management" "Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management" "" "" "Government, Regional" "National government, Regional entities" "Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Regional: Federal provinces" "2007" "Yes" " " "CH4, N2O" "With existing measures" "" "This measure summarises the implementation of the programme for rural development 2014-2020 and the implementation of the Common agricultural policy (CAP). Herein measures such as improved feeding of pigs and poultry, covering of manure storage, low-loss application of manure and biogas slurry, promotion of organic farming, reduced usage of mineral fertiliser and promotion of grazing are summarised." "NA" "2020" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2007" "With existing measures" "Yes" "No information"
"Belgium_13" "Belgium" "2923" "" "EC-B03 : Specific support for rational use of energy (RUE) initiatives for people with low incomes" "Single" "13" "Single PaM" "Economic" "Expired" "ESD, EU ETS" "Energy consumption" "Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction" "Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction" "26" "26" "Government, Regional" "National government, Regional entities" "Regional: Flanders: VEA, Wonen Vlaanderen,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, AATL,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie,Government: Federal: FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment; FPS Economy - DG Energy ; IFDD" "2004" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Specific rational use of energy (RUE) aid for unprivileged people, who do not pay tax and thus may not benefit from tax exemptions. The Fund for the Reduction of the Global cost of Energy (FRGE) was used to improve the energy efficiency of housings for disadvantaged people via cheap loans (Vito/Econotec, 2015). The FRGE is transferred to the regions on 1 January 2015 Since tax exemptions for RUE investments were suppressed, such mechanisms are no more in application. In Flanders special support was integrated into other existing systems (higher subsidies unther the public service obligation of electricity distribution companies, social insulation projects for rental houses, renovation grant, energy performance programme for social housing, energy loan at 0% interest, ...)." "" "2015" "Number of application per type of investment. Only statistics related to non-tax payers is considered to avoid double counting with EC-B01 " "The federal government has established a Fund (FRCE/FRGE) that provides cheap loans for rational use of energy (RUE) investments. From 2015, the FRGE is transferred to the Regions." "Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO" "1.4" "24.69" "1.4" "24.62" "26.02" "1.4" "24.2" "0.59" "16.42" "17.01" "" "Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2008-2014" "2012" "" "" "-22" "-1300000000" "Cost is calculated over the entire life time of the investment (technology dependent) and includes capital and operational expenditures. A real discount rate of 10% is used." "Evaluation of the impact of policy instruments and measures implemented in the context of the Federal climate policy - report 2014 - Vito-Econotec" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Expired" "2004" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Belgium_38" "Belgium" "2923" "" "TR-A06 : Parking regulations" "Single" "38" "Single PaM" "Regulatory" "Implemented" "ESD" "Transport" "Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour" "Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour" "" "" "Local, Regional" "Local government, Regional entities" "Regional: Brussels: AED , IBGE, AATL,Local: municipalities" "2004" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Urban planning: promoting available public parking and discouraging surface parking and endless search for parking places. In the Brussels Region, Chapter 3 of the Brussels Code on Air Climate end Energy Control (COBRACE) regulates off-street parking. It provides that the parking standards applicable to new constructions are also applied to existing office buildings when their environmental permit is renewed. Considering that parking availability at destination is the most decisive factor in the decision to travel by car, this incentive has been implemented, expecting to reduce the ruch hour congestion by as much as 10%." "" "" "Follow-up of actions ( Brussels Capital region) " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2004" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Belgium_41" "Belgium" "2923" "" "TR-B01 : Promotion of car-pooling" "Single" "41" "Single PaM" "Economic, Information, Regulatory" "Implemented" "ESD" "Transport" "Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour" "Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour" "17" "28" "Government, Regional" "National government, Regional entities" "Government: FED : FPS Finance; FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Flanders: MOW" "2004" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Changing the rules of the road, allowing road managers to open a road lane reserved for buses, cars occupied by several people, vehicles used for the transportation company (journey to work). \n- Extension of Liability (Compulsory Insurance) coverage for carpools. - Insurance on work accidents (mandatory for companies) indemnify the incapacity of the driver and passengers. The journey to work required may include a visit to the collection of carpoolers. \n- The compensation paid by the employer for the journey to work is not taxable. \n- The driver can deduct EUR 0.15 / km from taxes without having to declare the compensation paid by carpoolers. \n- Carpooling is being supported fiscally. Home-work travel expenses for using carpooling are deductible at the lump sum rate of 0,15 \u20ac/km, up to a maximum distance of 25 km (later increased to 50 and 100 km one-way). \nFlanders: \n- Stimulation of carpooling - Constructing carpool parkings\". \nBrussels-Capital Region: \nProjections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction are based on statistics and analysis by carsharing companies. the Air, climate, energy plan establishes un objective of 800 available vehicles in different type of car sharing or car pooling." "" "" "Statistics of car-poolers from the mobility federal administrations Flemish Region: average seat occupancy cars " "" "Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO" "" "16.81" "" "28.29" "28.29" "" "28.14" "" "28.17" "28.17" "" "Estimations based on regional objectives and statistics of car sharing companies and on federal assessment (study 'Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet)')" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2004" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Belgium_42" "Belgium" "2923" "" "TR-B02 : Promotion of car sharing" "Single" "42" "Single PaM" "Economic" "Implemented" "ESD" "Transport" "Transport: Improved behaviour" "Transport: Improved behaviour" "1" "1" "Regional" "Regional entities" "Regional: Flanders : MOW,Regional: Brussels : IBGE" "2004" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Promotion of car-sharing \n- The railroad company participates in the organization of shared cars (type Cambio) by reserving parkingplaces for car shared close to railway stations.\" \nBrussels-Capital Region: Projections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction are based on statistics and analysis by carsharing companies. the Air, climate, energy plan establishes un objective of 800 available vehicles in different type of car sharing or car pooling." "" "" "Statistics from designated and subsidized operators have to report on their activities and provide statistics of car-sharing. In the Flemish Region - average seat occupancy cars " "" "" "" "0.782" "" "0.782" "0.782" "" "0.782" "" "0.782" "0.782" "" "Cambio (personnal communication 2015)" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2004" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"
"Belgium_43" "Belgium" "2923" "" "TR-B03 : Promotion of teleworking" "Single" "43" "Single PaM" "Regulatory" "Implemented" "ESD" "Transport" "Transport: Demand management/reduction" "Transport: Demand management/reduction" "" "" "Government, Regional" "National government, Regional entities" "Government: FED : FPS Personnel and Organisation,Regional: Employment and social departments fo regional administrations" "2004" "No" "No information" "CO2" "With existing measures" "" "Promote teleworking (pilot project, example function of public administrations)" "" "" "Results of pilot projects in public administrations " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Implemented" "2004" "With existing measures" "No" "No information"

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concat(?Country, "_", ?ID_of_policy_or_measure) as ?_id

_:rec tableFile:Country ?Country .
_:rec tableFile:Report_ID ?Report_ID .
_:rec tableFile:Report_ID_ES ?Report_ID_ES .
_:rec tableFile:Name_of_policy_or_measure ?Name_of_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures ?Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures .
_:rec tableFile:ID_of_policy_or_measure ?ID_of_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group ?Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group .
_:rec tableFile:Type_of_policy_instrument ?Type_of_policy_instrument .
_:rec tableFile:Status_of_implementation ?Status_of_implementation .
_:rec tableFile:Policy_impacting_EU_ETS__ESD_or_LULUCF_emissions ?Policy_impacting_EU_ETS__ESD_or_LULUCF_emissions .
_:rec tableFile:Sector_s__affected ?Sector_s__affected .
_:rec tableFile:Objective_s__lookup_only4facets ?Objective_s__lookup_only4facets .
_:rec tableFile:Objective_s_ ?Objective_s_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ ?Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ .
_:rec tableFile:Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type__clean ?Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type__clean .
_:rec tableFile:Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy ?Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy .
_:rec tableFile:Implementation_period_start ?Implementation_period_start .
_:rec tableFile:Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ ?Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ .
_:rec tableFile:Union_policies_lookup_only4facets ?Union_policies_lookup_only4facets .
_:rec tableFile:Related_Union_Policy ?Related_Union_Policy .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_s__affected ?GHG_s__affected .
_:rec tableFile:Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included ?Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included .
_:rec tableFile:Link_to_national_report ?Link_to_national_report .
_:rec tableFile:Description ?Description .
_:rec tableFile:Quantified_objective ?Quantified_objective .
_:rec tableFile:Implementation_period_finish ?Implementation_period_finish .
_:rec tableFile:Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time ?Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time .
_:rec tableFile:General_comment ?General_comment .
_:rec tableFile:Main_reference ?Main_reference .
_:rec tableFile:URL_to_main_reference ?URL_to_main_reference .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment ?Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment ?Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ ?Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ .
_:rec tableFile:Average_ex_post_emission_reduction__kt_CO2eq_y_ ?Average_ex_post_emission_reduction__kt_CO2eq_y_ .
_:rec tableFile:Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates ?Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates .
_:rec tableFile:Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure ?Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_ex_post_assessment ?Reference_for_ex_post_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment ?Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ ?Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for ?Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for .
_:rec tableFile:Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ ?Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ ?Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ ?Projected_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Description_of_projected_cost_estimates ?Description_of_projected_cost_estimates .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits ?Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits ?Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ ?Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for ?Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for .
_:rec tableFile:Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ ?Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ ?Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ ?Realised_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Description_of_realised_cost_estimates ?Description_of_realised_cost_estimates .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits ?Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits ?Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Status_of_implementation_clean ?Status_of_implementation_clean .
_:rec tableFile:Implementation_period_start_clean ?Implementation_period_start_clean .
_:rec tableFile:Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean ?Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean .
_:rec tableFile:Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy__clean ?Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy__clean .
_:rec tableFile:Union_policy_lookup_only4facets_clean ?Union_policy_lookup_only4facets_clean .


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