
Article 17 - 2015 dataset

Data Table
23 min read
The dataset contains tabular data as reported by Member States for the period 2007-2012; this includes habitat areas, population sizes, trends, pressures and threats, and conservation status at the national biogeographical level. In addition, it includes conservation status and trends in conservation status at the EU biogeographical level as assessed by the EEA and its ETC on Biological Diversity. Files downloaded prior to 4th of September 2015 do not include text fields with information from the general report, which are now added to the 2015 version of the database. ----- Files downloaded after mid July 2021 include the data from the delayed 2007-2012 report from Greece. These data were not originally included in the EU dataset but were substituted with Greek data from the 2000-2006 reporting period. In the latest version of 2015 dataset the substitute 2000-2006 data for Greece were replaced with the delayed 2007-2012 data. The EU biogeographical assessments for MED/MMED regions have been updated accordingly. Please note that the calculated fields with the weights used for the EU biogeographical assessment are not updated in the latest 2015 dataset (they are left blank for GR). Please note further that in the State of Nature 2015 report the MED/MMED assessments are not using the delayed GR reported data for 2007-2012.
European data
Table definition

Article 17 2015

Article 17 general report (data_greport)

Most important facts and figures on the general implementation of the Habitats Directive from Member States (uses greporthash as a primary key, which is common to all other general tables matching the data_g* naming scheme)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
greporthash General report auto generated primary key text(32)
country 2-letter ISO country code ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(2)
achievements Text in national language memo
achievements_trans English translation memo
general_information General information about the Habitats Directive memo
information_on_network Information about the Natura 2000 network memo
monitoring_schemes Monitoring schemes (Article 11) memo
protection_of_species Protection of species (Articles 12-16) memo
transpose_directive Transposition of the Habitats Directive (legal texts) memo
sites_total_number Total number of pSCIs, SCIs, SACs integer
sites_total_area Total surface area of pSCIs, SCIs, SACs (km²) decimal
sac_total_number Total number of SACs integer
sac_total_area Total surface area of SACs (km²) decimal
sites_terrestrial_area Surface area of pSCIs, SCIs, SACs (km²) in terrestrial area of sites (excluding marine areas) decimal
sac_terrestrial_area Surface area of SACs (km²) in terrestrial area of sites (excluding marine areas) decimal
sites_marine_number Number of pSCIs, SCIs, SACs in marine area of sites integer
sites_marine_area Surface area of pSCIs, SCIs, SACs (km²) in marine area of sites decimal
sac_marine_number Number SACs in marine area of sites integer
sac_marine_area Surface area of SACs only (km²) in marine area of sites decimal
database_date Date of latest update of the Natura 2000 database sent to the Commission text(255)
sites_with_plans Number of sites with management plans integer
coverage Percentage of the network area covered by management plans decimal
plans_under_prep Number of sites with management plans under preparation integer
coherence_measures General description of the main measures taken to ensure coherence of the Natura 2000 Network (Article 10) memo

Article 17 compensation measures (data_gmeasures)

Compensation measures details, as found in the 2007-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive (links to the general report table using greporthash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
greporthash Foreign key to data_bgreport text(32)
sitecode Site code 2-letter ISO country code plus 7 characters text(9)
sitename Site name text(255)
project_year Year of project/plan long
project_title Title of project/plan text(255)
commission_opinion Commission opinion requested? yes/no
project_impact Impact of projects in need of compensation measures on conservation status? memo

Article 17 reintroduction of Annex IV species (data_greintroduction_of_species)

Provide information on reintroduction of Annex IV species per Member State

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
greporthash Foreign key to data_bgreport text(32)
speciescode Species code Codelist: lu_hd_species long
speciesname Name of the species as reported by the Member State text(255)
reintro_period_since Qualifier: '=' in the year; '<' before the year; '>' after the year given in field reintro_period text(1)
reintro_period Reintroduction period text(9)
location_number Reintroduction location and number of individuals reintroduced text(255)
successful Indicates if natural reproduction has already taken place and/or population is growing text(255)
additional_information Additional information on the reintroduction memo

Article 17 habitats check list (data_habitats_check_list)

ETCBD processed - Member States checklist for habitats data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country 2-letters country code ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(2)
region Biogeographical region or marine region for which the habitat type is taken into account for the European data set / assessments Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
region_orig Biogeographical region or marine region in which the habitat type was reported by the Member State Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
regionhash Foreign key to tables such as data_habitats_regions_MS_level Instead of combined key country, region, habitatcode text(45)
habitatcode Code of the habitat type as in the Habitat Directive Annex I Codelist: lu_habitattypes text(4)
presence Additionnal information such as scientific reserve. Codelist: lu_checklist_presence_categories text(10)
habitatgroup Habitat group as defined in the annex of the Habitats Directive text(255)
annex_I_priority Flag to indicate whether or not it is a priority habitat type as listed in the annex of the Habitats Directive, taking into account exceptions for Member State text(255)
annex_I_priority_comment Comment on the priority as given in the annex of the Habitats Directive text(255)

Article 17 habitats biogeographical regions EU level (data_habitats_regions_EU_level)

European biogeographical level habitats data, providing assessments from the experts based on Member State habitats data.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country Identifies an european level assessment by the EU27 code, which is a constant here ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(4)
region Biogeographical region or marine region for which the habitat type is taken into account for the European data set / assessments Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
habitatcode Code of the habitat type as in the Habitat Directive Annex I Codelist: lu_habitattypes text(4)
range_surface_area Reference to the total surface area of the range for that biogeographical region in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
range_trend General trend of the range for that biogeographical region Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
complementary_favourable_range Reference to the favourable range in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
coverage_surface_area Reference to the total surface area of the coverage for that biogeographical region in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
coverage_trend General trend of the coverage for that biogeographical region Codelist: lu_trends text(3)
complementary_favourable_area Reference to the favourable coverage in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
method_range Code of the method used to assess the range at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_range Conclusion for the range state at the biogeographical level (based on method_range) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_area Code of the method used to assess the coverage at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_area Conclusion for the coverage state at the biogeographical level (based on method_area) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_structure Code of the method used to assess the structures and functions at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_structure Conclusion for the structures and functions state at the biogeographical level (based on method_structure) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_future Code of the method used to assess the future prospects at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_future Conclusion for the future prospects state at the biogeographical level (based on method_future) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_assessment Code of the method used to calculate the overall assessment at the biogeographical level (always 'MTX' for habitats) Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_assessment Conclusion for the overall assessment at the biogeographical level (based on method_assessment) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_assessment_trend Conclusion for the overall assessment trend at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_trends_conclusion text(1)
conclusion_assessment_prev Conclusion for the overall assessment from the previous reporting round (2001-2006) Codelist: lu_assessments text(3)
conclusion_assessment_change Coded values for the nature of change in the overall assessments between the previous and current reporting Codelist: lu_natureofchange text(2)
type_target1 Evaluation of progress to Target 1 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy (=) no change, (+) improvement, (-) deterioration, (x) not known (codelist: lu_assessments) text(3)
contribution_target1 Type of change in the conservation status between reporting periods (A) favourable, (B) improved, (C) deteriorated, (D) unfavourable or unknown assessments that did not change, (E) assessments that became unknown (codelist: lu_assessments) text(3)
use_for_statistics Depending on the purpose of the statistics certain habitats and species reports need to be excluded from the analysis in order to generate useful information. This field can be used to quickly identify the records to keep/exclude. yes/no

Article 17 habitats biogeographical regions MS level (data_habitats_regions_MS_level)

ETCBD processed - Member States habitats data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country 2-letters country code ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(2)
region Biogeographical region or marine region for which the habitat type is taken into account for the European data set / assessments Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
regionhash Foreign key to tables such as data_habitats_check_list Instead of combined key country, region, habitatcode text(45)
habitatcode Code of the habitat type as in the Habitat Directive Annex I Codelist: lu_habitattypes text(4)
range_surface_area Surface area of the range within the biogeographical region concerned, in km² double
range_change_reason List of reported change reasons for the range text(150)
percentage_range_surface_area Percentage of the total area of the range in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
range_trend Trend of the range Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
range_trend_magnitude_min Percentage change in range over the period (minimal value) decimal
range_trend_magnitude_max Percentage change in range over the period (maximal value) decimal
range_method Method used to evaluate surface area of range Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
range_trend_period 2001-2012 (rolling 12-year time window) or range trend period as close as possible to it. text(20)
complementary_favourable_range_q Favourable reference range qualifier Codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(2)
complementary_favourable_range Favourable reference range in km² double
complementary_favourable_range_method Description of a method used to set Favourable Reference Range; only filled in if numeric FRV is reported. memo
coverage_surface_area Area covered by habitat type within the range in the biogeographical region concerned, in km² double
coverage_change_reason List of reported change reasons for the coverage text(150)
percentage_coverage_surface_area Percentage of the total area of the coverage in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
coverage_method Method used to evaluate area covered by habitat Codelist: lu_methods_used text(30)
coverage_date Year or period text(20)
coverage_trend Trend of the habitat area Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
coverage_trend_magnitude_min Percentage change in coverage over the period (minimal value) decimal
coverage_trend_magnitude_max Percentage change in coverage over the period (maximal value) decimal
coverage_trend_method Method used to evaluate short-term trend Codelist: lu_methods_used text(30)
coverage_trend_period 2001-2012 (rolling 12-year time window) or coverage trend period as close as possible to it. text(20)
complementary_favourable_area_q Favourable reference area - qualifier. Codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(2)
complementary_favourable_area Favourable reference area covered by habitat in km² double
complementary_favourable_area_method Description of a method used to set Favourable Reference Area; only filled in if numeric FRV is reported. memo
conclusion_range Conclusions - Range Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_area Conclusions - Population Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_structure Conclusions - Habitat for the species Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_future Conclusions - Future prospects Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_assessment Overall assessment of conservation status Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_assessment_trend Overall trend in conservation status Codelist: lu_trends_conclusion text(1)
conclusion_assessment_prev Overall assessment from the previous reporting round 2001-2006, including the qualifier Codelists: lu_assessments, lu_trends_conclusion text(3)
conclusion_assessment_change Coded values for the nature of change in the overall assessments between the previous and current reporting Codelist: lu_natureofchange text(2)
complementary_other_information Complementary information as reported by Member State memo
pressures_method Code of the method used to assess pressures Codelist: lu_methods_used_for_pressures text(1)
threats_method Code of the method used to assess threats Codelist: lu_methods_used_for_threats text(1)
range_grid_area Cumulated range area based on the associated Member State GIS data. double
percentage_range_grid_area Percentage of the total area of the cumulated range in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
distribution_grid_area Cumulated distribution area based on the associated Member State GIS data. double
percentage_distribution_grid_area Percentage of the total area of the cumulated distribution in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
natura2000_area_min Surface area in km² (minimum) decimal
natura2000_area_max Surface area in km² (maximum) decimal
natura2000_area_trend Trend of surface area within the network Codelist: lu_trends text(30)
natura2000_area_method Method used to evaluate surface area Codelist: lu_methods_used text(30)
published_data_sources List of published sources Author, year, title of publication, source, volume, number of pages, web address memo
structure_and_functions_method Code of the method used to assess structures and functions Codelist: lu_methods_used text(30)
typical_species_assessment Method used for the assessment of typical species from that habitat type memo
justification_thresholds Justification for the use of the different thresholds for trends in the evaluation matrix memo
use_for_statistics Depending on the purpose of the statistics certain habitats and species reports need to be excluded from the analysis in order to generate useful information. This field can be used to quickly identify the records to keep/exclude. yes/no

Article 17 species check list (data_species_check_list)

ETCBD processed - Member States checklist for species data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country 2-letters country code ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(2)
region Biogeographical region or marine region for which the species is taken into account for the European data set / assessments Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
region_orig Biogeographical region or marine region in which the species was reported by the Member State Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
regionhash Foreign key to tables such as data_species_regions_MS_level Instead of combined key country, region, speciescode text(45)
speciescode Species code Codelist: lu_hd_species long
speciesname Name of the species as reported by the Member State text(255)
assessment_speciescode Species code corresponding to assessment_speciesname long
assessment_speciesname Name of the species used for the European assessment text(60)
tax_group Higher taxonomic group (simplified) text(20)
presence Additionnal information such as scientific reserve Codelist: lu_checklist_presence_categories text(10)
annex_II_priority Flag to indicate whether or not this species is listed as a priority species in the annex of the Habitats Directive, taking into account exceptions for Member State / region text(10)
annex_II Flag to indicate in which annex(es) of the Habitats Directive the species is listed, taking into account exceptions for Member State / region text(10)
annex_IV Flag to indicate in which annex(es) of the Habitats Directive the species is listed, taking into account exceptions for Member State / region text(10)
annex_V Flag to indicate in which annex(es) of the Habitats Directive the species is listed, taking into account exceptions for Member State / region text(10)
comments_annex_II Comments as given in the annex of the Habitats Directive memo
comments_annex_IV Comments as given in the annex of the Habitats Directive memo
comments_annex_V Comments as given in the annex of the Habitats Directive memo

Article 17 species biogeographical regions EU level (data_species_regions_EU_level)

European biogeographical level species data, providing assessments from the experts based on Member State habitats data.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country Identifies an european level assessment by the EU27 code, which is a constant here ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(4)
region Biogeographical region or marine region for which the habitat type is taken into account for the European data set / assessments Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
assessment_speciescode Species code corresponding to the assessment_speciesname Codelist: lu_hd_species long
assessment_speciesname Name of the species used for the European assessment text(60)
range_surface_area Reference to the total surface area of the range for that biogeographical region in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
range_trend General trend of the range for that biogeographical region Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
complementary_favourable_range Reference to the favourable range in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
population_size Reference to the total size of the population for that biogeographical region Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
population_size_unit Units used for the population size Codelist: lu_population_units text(20)
population_trend General trend of the population for that biogeographical region Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
complementary_favourable_population Reference to the favourable population size Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
habitat_surface_area Reference to the total habitat surface area of the species for that biogeographical region in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
habitat_trend General trend of the habitat for that biogeographical region Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
complementary_suitable_habitat Reference to the favourable habitat area in km² Concatenation of number and qualifier, codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(23)
method_range Code of the method used to assess the range at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_range Conclusion for the range state at the biogeographical level (based on method_range) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_population Code of the method used to assess the population at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_population Conclusion for the population state at the biogeographical level (based on method_area) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_habitat Code of the method used to assess the habitat for the species at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_habitat Conclusion for the state of the habitat for the species at the biogeographical level (based on method_structure) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_future Code of the method used to assess the future prospects at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_future Conclusion for the future prospects state at the biogeographical level (based on method_future) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
method_assessment Code of the method used to calculate the overall assessment at the biogeographical level (always 'MTX' for habitats) Codelist: lu_assessments_method text(3)
conclusion_assessment Conclusion for the overall assessment at the biogeographical level (based on method_assessment) Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_assessment_trend Conclusion for the overall assessment trend at the biogeographical level Codelist: lu_trends_conclusion text(1)
conclusion_assessment_prev Conclusion for the overall assessment from the previous reporting round (2001-2006) Codelist: lu_assessments text(3)
conclusion_assessment_change Coded values for the nature of change in the overall assessments between the previous and current reporting Codelist: lu_natureofchange text(2)
type_target1 Evaluation of progress to Target 1 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy (=) no change, (+) improvement, (-) deterioration, (x) not known (codelist: lu_assessments) text(3)
contribution_target1 Type of change in the conservation status between reporting periods (A) favourable, (B) improved, (C) deteriorated, (D) unfavourable or unknown assessments that did not change, (E) assessments that became unknown (codelist: lu_assessments) text(3)
use_for_statistics Depending on the purpose of the statistics certain habitats and species reports need to be excluded from the analysis in order to generate useful information. This field can be used to quickly identify the records to keep/exclude. yes/no

Article 17 species biogeographical regions MS level (data_species_regions_MS_level)

ETCBD processed - Member States species data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country 2-letters country code ISO country code for all countries but UK for United Kingdom. Codelist: lu_countries text(2)
region Biogeographical region or marine region for which the habitat type is taken into account for the European data set / assessments Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
regionhash Foreign key to tables such as data_species_check_list Instead of combined key country, region, speciescode text(45)
speciescode Species code Codelist: lu_hd_species long
speciesname Name of the species as reported by the Member State text(60)
range_surface_area Surface area of the range within the biogeographical region concerned, in km² double
range_change_reason List of reported change reasons for the range text(150)
percentage_range_surface_area Percentage of the total area of the range in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
range_trend Trend of the range Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
range_trend_magnitude_min Percentage change in range over the period (minimal value) decimal
range_trend_magnitude_max Percentage change in range over the period (maximal value) decimal
range_method Method used to evaluate surface area of range Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
range_trend_period 2001-2012 (rolling 12-year time window) or range trend period as close as possible to it text(20)
complementary_favourable_range_q Favourable reference range qualifier Codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(2)
complementary_favourable_range Favourable reference range in km² double
complementary_favourable_range_method Description of a method used to set Favourable Reference Range; only filled in if numeric FRV is reported. memo
population_size_unit Unit used to estimate the population size Codelist: lu_population_units text(10)
population_minimum_size Minimum estimate of the population size double
percentage_population_minimum_size Percentage of the total population size minimum estimate in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
population_maximum_size Maximum estimate of the population size double
percentage_population_maximum_size Percentage of the total population size maximum estimate in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
filled_population Only set for Greece, it indicates how the population size data was treated during aggregation from the 2001-2006 reporting round. text(3)
population_alt_size_unit Alternative unit used to estimate the population size Codelist: lu_population_units text(10)
population_alt_minimum_size Minimum estimate of the population size based on alternate unit double
population_alt_maximum_size Maximum estimate of the population size based on alternate unit double
population_change_reason List of reported change reasons for the population text(150)
percentage_population_mean_size Percentage of the total population size average in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
population_additional_locality Definition of locality; only filled in if number of locations is used as a population size unit. memo
population_additional_method Description of a method used to convert population size in local units into population size in recommended units. memo
population_additional_problems Information on problems encountered to estimate the population size. memo
population_method Method used to evaluate population size Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
population_date Year (or period) where the data to estimate the population size were collected. text(255)
population_trend Trend of the population Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
population_trend_magnitude_min Percentage change over the period (minimal value) decimal
population_trend_magnitude_max Percentage change over the period (maximal value) decimal
population_trend_method Method used to evaluate short-term trend Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
population_trend_period 2001-2012 (rolling 12-year time window) or population trend period as close as possible to it. text(255)
complementary_favourable_population_q Favourable reference population size qualifier Codelist: lu_favourable_range_operator text(2)
complementary_favourable_population Favourable reference population size, typically in same units as the population size double
complementary_favourable_population_method Description of a method used to set Favourable Reference Population; only filled in if numeric FRV is reported. memo
habitat_surface_area Surface area of the habitat for the species in km² double
habitat_change_reason List of reported change reasons for the habitat text(150)
percentage_habitat_surface_area Percentage of the total area of the habitat surface in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
habitat_date Year (or period) when data to estimate the habitat surface area were collected. text(255)
habitat_method Method used to evaluate habitat for species Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
habitat_trend Trend of the area of habitat of species Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
habitat_trend_period 2001-2012 (rolling 12-year time window) or habitat trend period as close as possible to it. text(255)
habitat_quality Estimated quality of the habitat for the species text(255)
habitat_quality_explanation Description of a method used to evaluate the quality of habitat. memo
complementary_suitable_habitat Area of the suitable habitat for the species in km² double
conclusion_range Conclusions - Range Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_population Conclusions - Population Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_habitat Conclusions - Habitat for the species Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_future Conclusions - Future prospects Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_assessment Overall assessment of conservation status Codelist: lu_assessments text(2)
conclusion_assessment_trend Overall trend in conservation status Codelist: lu_trends_conclusion text(1)
conclusion_assessment_prev Overall assessment from the previous reporting round 2001-2006, including the qualifier Codelists: lu_assessments, lu_trends_conclusion text(3)
conclusion_assessment_change Coded values for the nature of change in the overall assessments between the previous and current reporting Codelist: lu_natureofchange text(2)
complementary_other_information Complementary information as reported by Member State memo
range_grid_area Cumulated range area based on the associated Member State GIS data. double
distribution_grid_area Cumulated distribution area based on the associated Member State GIS data. double
percentage_range_grid_area Percentage of the total area of the cumulated range in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
percentage_distribution_grid_area Percentage of the total area of the cumulated distribution in the biogeographical region across all Member States. double
pressures_method Code of the method used to assess pressures Codelist: lu_methods_used_for_pressures text(1)
threats_method Code of the method used to assess threats Codelist: lu_methods_used_for_threats text(1)
natura2000_population_unit Natura 2000 Population size unit Codelist: lu_population_units text(10)
natura2000_population_min Estimation of minimum population size included in the network for annex II species double
natura2000_population_max Estimation of maximum population size included in the network for annex II species double
natura2000_population_trend Natura 2000 Trend of population size within network Codelist: lu_trends text(1)
natura2000_population_method Natura 2000 Method used to evaluate population size Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
published_data_sources List of published sources (author, year, title of publication, source, volume, number of pages, web address). memo
justification_thresholds Justification for the use of the different thresholds for trends in the evaluation matrix memo
transboundary_assessment Explanation for a trans-boundary population of a (usually wide-ranging) species, that is where 2 or more Member States have made a joint conservation status assessment. memo
use_for_statistics Depending on the purpose of the statistics certain habitats and species reports need to be excluded from the analysis in order to generate useful information. This field can be used to quickly identify the records to keep/exclude. yes/no

Article 17 habitats typical species (data_htypical_species)

ETCBD processed - Member States habitats typical species data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
regionhash Foreign key to data_habitats_check_list text(32)
speciesname Typical species for habitat types in a region Names are not standardised text(255)

Article 17 Pressures & Threats for habitats and species (data_pressures_threats)

Member States Pressures & Threats for habitats and species data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
pressurethreathash Primary key text(255)
habitat_regionhash Foreign key to data_habitats_check_list text(45)
species_regionhash Foreign key to data_species_check_list text(45)
pressurecode Code for a pressure/threat Codelist: lu_threats text(10)
rankingcode Code for the rank of the pressure/threat Codelist: lu_ranking text(1)
type_pressure Pressure/Threat flag p=pressures; t=threats text(1)

Article 17 Pressures & Threats pollution qualifier for habitats and species (data_pressures_threats_pol)

Member States Pressures & Threats pollution qualifier for habitats and species data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
pressurethreathash Primary key text(255)
pressurecode Code for a pressure/threat Codelist: lu_threats text(10)
pollution_qualifier Code for a pollution qualifier Codelist: lu_pollution text(1)

Article 17 Measures for habitats and species (data_measures)

Member States Measures for habitats and species data, accounting for the 2007-2012 reporting round deliveries under the Arcticle 17 of the Habitats Directive.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
measurecode Code for a measure Codelist: lu_measures text(10)
species_regionhash Foreign key to data_species_check_list text(255)
habitat_regionhash Foreign key to data_habitats_check_list text(255)
type_legal Legal/statutory flag yes/no
type_administrative Administrative flag yes/no
type_contractual Contractual flag yes/no
type_recurrent Recurrent flag yes/no
type_oneoff Oneoff flag yes/no
rankingcode Code for the rank of the measure Codelist: lu_ranking text(1)
location_inside Location flag True if inside yes/no
location_outside Location flag True if outside yes/no
location_both Location flag True if both inside & outside yes/no
broad_evaluation_maintain Broad evaluation flag True if maintain yes/no
broad_evaluation_enhance Broad evaluation flag True if enhance yes/no
broad_evaluation_longterm Broad evaluation flag True if long term yes/no
broad_evaluation_noeffect Broad evaluation flag True if no effect yes/no
broad_evaluation_unknown Broad evaluation flag True if unknown yes/no
broad_evaluation_notevaluated Broad evaluation flag True if not evaluated yes/no

Links between Article 17 habitat types and broad ecosystems using MAES typology (habitats_maes)

ETCBD processed - Links between Article 17 habitat types and broad ecosystems using MAES typology differentiated by biogeographical regions

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
codeeco Code ecosystems Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
habitatcode Code Habitats Directive habitat type text(10)
description Description Habitats Directive habitat type text(200)

Links between Article 17 species and broad ecosystems using MAES typology (species_maes)

ETCBD processed - Links between Article 17 species and broad ecosystems using MAES typology differentiated by biogeographical regions

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(4)
codeeco Code ecosystems Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
speciesname Species name text(60)
typeasso Importance of the species relation/link to the MAES classification Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(10)
assessment_speciesname Name of the species considered for the European assessment text(200)
speciesgroup Higher taxonomic group (simplified) text(20)
HD_name Species name according to the Annexes of the Habitats Directive text(255)


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